Hair Transplant: A Detailed Guide
Hair transplant has become a frequently preferred procedure today. Hair, as an extension of the skin, significantly impacts people’s social lives and appearances. Especially among men, having hair is seen as an important factor when examined from a psycho-social perspective. Numerous studies have observed that hair loss negatively affects individuals’ psychological states. A study conducted in Korea found that men with hair are perceived as healthier and more attractive compared to bald men. Additionally, research in the United States has shown that the appearance of sales personnel affects their success rates. While baldness may seem insignificant to those who do not face this issue, it can be a serious problem for those who do. Friends and family of bald individuals often dismiss the issue with general remarks like “don’t worry about it” or “being bald is better.” However, the problem of baldness requires understanding and empathy.
When individuals start losing their hair, they typically begin by researching the topic online. The process starts similarly for almost everyone. After their research, people usually start using products like “rosemary oil,” “hair serums,” and “dermarollers” on their own. Although some may see results in the initial stages, these applications are insufficient in the long run, leading individuals to seek medical support. When looking for medical support, they often encounter suggestions for supportive treatments and hair transplants. If these treatments are not applied in the correct order, individuals can fail and end up with poorly looking hair for life. You cannot imagine how many people contact us in such situations!
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